The Saitama Prefectural Police Tokorozawa Police Station prevented Takuro Ichikawa, a lawyer belonging to the Saitama Bar Association from meeting with a man who was undergoing voluntary interrogation. Mr. Ichikawa filed a state compensation for obstruction of access against Saitama Prefecture. The Saitama District Court (Presiding Judge Yosuke Ishigaki) found infringement of the right of defense and ordered the government to pay 55,000 yen in damages on November 12, 2021.
There is a rash of police scandals, police corruption, police misconduct, police brutality, police violence, especially criminal behavior of police officers in Japan. Their actions include coerced false confession, dishonesty, intimidation, false arrest, and false imprisonment. The specific types are physical or verbal harassment and physical or mental injury.
Police scandals include sexual harassment which is unwelcome sexual behavior, unwanted or offensive sexual attention, suggestions, or talk. Many of them are profit motivated and violence related. I am worried about them.
Japanese police officers take inappropriate conduct and illegal or unethical actions in connection with their official duties. They exercise undue or excessive force against a civilian. They violate individuals' constitutional rights. They break their political contract and abuse their power.