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Public Inquiry Letter about Hayashida Medical Trial

執筆者の写真: 林田医療裁判林田医療裁判


Here is the English version of the public inquiry letter sent by the Patient Rights Protection Association to the Kosei Hospital, affiliated with Rissho Kosei-kai.


We are writing to you on behalf of the Patient Rights Protection Association regarding concerns related to patient care and rights. As an organization dedicated to safeguarding the rights and welfare of patients, we are deeply committed to ensuring that all individuals receive appropriate and ethical medical treatment.


In light of recent events and ongoing discussions surrounding patient care standards and decision-making processes, we would like to pose several questions to your institution. These questions aim to gain insight into the measures taken to protect and uphold the rights of patients under your care.


We kindly request your prompt attention and response to the following inquiries. We believe that addressing these inquiries will not only foster greater transparency and accountability within your organization but also contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding patient rights and healthcare standards in our community.


We kindly request that you provide your responses to the above questions within a reasonable timeframe. Your cooperation and commitment to upholding patient rights are essential in maintaining the trust and confidence of the community you serve. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Public Inquiry Letter

Section 1: Questions

1. Do you have measures in place to prevent and detect the risk of manipulation of enteral nutrition by malicious individuals within the patient's family? If so, please provide specific details of these measures.

第1 質問事項


2. Can you describe initiatives to infer the individual's intentions from the opinions of multiple family members?


3. Are you implementing efforts to achieve the emphasized repeated confirmation of intentions regarding the decision-making process for medical care in the final stages of life, as highlighted in the "Guidelines for Decision-Making Processes for Medical Care and Care in the Final Stage of Life"? If so, please provide specific details of these efforts.


Section 2: Purpose of the Questions

In the Hayashida Medical Trial, the decision-making process regarding the management of enteral nutrition and the termination of treatment was questioned. Following the Hayashida Medical Trial, incidents such as the series of deaths from continuous intravenous drip overdose at the Ohguchi hospital and the issue of discontinuation of dialysis treatment at the public Fussa Hospital due to the right to self-determination came to light. Furthermore, the "Guidelines for Decision-Making Processes for Medical Care and Care in the Final Stage of Life" were revised in March 2018 to emphasize the need for repeated confirmation of intentions. The issues raised in the Hayashida Medical Trial have not "ended" but continue to overlap with and be questioned in the context of contemporary Japanese healthcare issues.

第2 質問の趣旨

1 林田医療裁判では、経管栄養の管理や治療中止の意思決定のあり方が問われました。林田医療裁判の提起後には、点滴の管理が問題になった大口病院の連続点滴中毒死事件や自己決定権が問題になった公立福生病院の人工透析治療中止問題が起きました。また、「終末期医療の決定プロセスに関するガイドライン」は2018年3月に「人生の最終段階における医療・ケアの決定プロセスに関するガイドライン」に改定され、意思確認を繰り返し確認することが求められました。林田医療裁判において問われた争点は「終了」しているのではなく、現代日本の医療の問題と重なり問われ続けています。

Therefore, as individuals who have experienced the Hayashida Medical Trial or are familiar with its background, we are conducting an examination of the current situation and challenges in healthcare and seeking what constitutes patient safety and happiness. We believe that openly discussing such issues in society is essential for advancing proper healthcare. Especially for your hospital, as a medical institution confronted with issues regarding the decision-making process for managing enteral nutrition and terminating treatment, it is morally expected that you contribute your opinions to advance proper healthcare.

2 そこで、私達は林田医療裁判を経験し又その経緯を知った者として、広く医療の現状と課題について考察し、患者の安全と幸せは何かを探求しています。そして、このような問題は広く社会に公開して議論を深めていくことが、適切な医療を進める上で不可欠であると考えています。とりわけ貴病院は、経管栄養の管理や治療中止の意思決定の問題について直面された医療機関として、適切な医療を進めるためのご意見をお寄せになることが道義的にも期待されるところであると思われます。

Consequently, we kindly request your response to the above questions. Both this inquiry and your hospital's response are planned for public release online. Through such open discussions, we hope to facilitate the exchange of opinions between medical institutions, patients, and many citizens, deepen mutual recognition and understanding, and contribute to advancing proper healthcare. We earnestly request that you understand the purpose of this public inquiry letter and provide responses to the questions above. Please send your responses via mail, fax, or email to the contact provided. We kindly ask for responses to be provided within two weeks of the deadline.

3 従いまして、上記の質問事項に回答をお寄せ頂けますよう要請いたします。この質問と貴病院の回答はネット上に公開することを予定しています。このような公開の議論の場により、医療機関と患者ないし多くの市民の方が意見を交わし、相互の認識と理解を深め、適切な医療を進める一助にしたいと考えています。この公開質問状の趣旨をご理解いただき、上記の質問事項に回答を寄せていただきたい、と切に要望します。ご回答を連絡先まで郵送またはファックス、メール送信してください。回答締切日を二週間以内にお願い致します。



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