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執筆者の写真: 林田医療裁判林田医療裁判


林田医療裁判を考える会は #林田医療裁判(平成26年(ワ)第25447号損害賠償請求事件、平成28年(ネ)第5668号損害賠償請求控訴事件)を踏まえて高齢者医療の安全と患者の幸せを探求します。#SDGs のGoal 3「すべての人に健康と福祉を」に貢献します。

#反延命主義 を批判します。「いつまでも生きていたくないよ」とただ言うだけの人が増えています。生きることがいかに尊いことかに気がついていないし、どんな状態で、何がきっかけで気が付くか分かりません。それ故に反延命主義の押し付けに反対します。

#中野相続裁判 #さいたま地裁 (平成30年(ワ)第552号・共有物分割請求事件、平成30年(ワ)第2659号・共有物分割請求反訴事件)からSDGs Target 1.4相続財産の平等な権利確保を目指します。早川労災裁判や公立福生病院透析中止裁判を支援します。

Hayashida Medical Trial Consideration Group promotes the rights of patients. We have spent the past year building out solutions for expanding patient rights. We are against forcing people to reject life extension.

We contribute to Goal 3 of SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals. It is "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages".

We contribute to SDGs Target 1.4 from Nakano Inheritance Trial at Saitama District Court. Target 1.4 is "By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance."

We provide a little information to domestic and foreign. Thank you everyone for always supporting us. Your insights are important to us and help us make informed decisions. Tons of gratitude for every day every friend.






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